
TUV Thüringen LogoThe FloorStak® support and levelling system has passed the examination criteria for TÜV certification.

Testing Office for the Stability of Temporary Structures. Examination Report No: 3300-7148-2015 B eng. (Germany).

FloorStak® support and levelling systems, plus the associated Flooring, Sub-Floor, Access and Balustrading products have been designed to comply with the following standards and industry guidelines.

BS EN 13782:2015 – Temporary structure. Tents. Safety.

BS EN 13814:2004 – Fairground and amusement park machinery and structures. Safety.

The Institution of Structural Engineers – Temporary demountable structures: Guidance on procurement, design and use (Fourth edition) 2017.

Certification ISO-9001 : 2015Regent Engineering is an ISO 9001 : 2015 registered Company.
Certificate No FM 11560.


Patent No EP 2 434 071 applies.

FloorStak® is a registered trademark.

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